This Was The End

June 7 – June 17 2018: Thurs – Sat 8:00 pm
Sun 3pm matinee
Run time: 70 mins
For tickets by phone call: 212-352-0255 or 1-866-811-4111
Mabou Mines Theater, the 122 CC
150 First Avenue, Second Floor,
New York, NY 10009
“Using a quartet of older actors to imply a performance that has been going on, somewhere, for decades . . . (TONY)” THIS WAS THE END is a live remix of voice and image, Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya played back by a cassette tape DJ and mapped onto a wall from the Mabou Mines now demolished studio. Architecture and theatrical legacy conspire to ask: What do we do with our past? What can we make of it? Past and present converge as the wall comes home to Mabou Mines’ new theater.
Produced in association with piece by piece productions. Additional funds from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts.