SUITE/Space 2018 – Time to Talk | Davalois Fearon
Time to Talk
Davalois Fearon
March 27 @ 7pm, March 28 & 29 @ 9pm
For tickets by phone call: 212-352-0255 or 1-866-811-4111
Mabou Mines Theater
150 First Avenue, Second Floor,
New York, NY 10009
Time to Talkis a multimedia dance-theater piece rooted in research on American history, dance history, racial identity formation and systemic racism. It is inspired by Davalois’ own experience of oppression and racial bias within academia that she encountered in 2015. Dynamic fluid dance, live music, spoken word, projection art, and dialogue are used to call attention to racial inequalities within American concert dance and society at large, and aims to encourage audience members to question how they may knowingly or un-knowingly contribute to maintaining social norms that support a status quo of inequity.
Read about SUITE/Space.