SUITE/Space 2018 – Red Wednesday | Sanaz Ghajar

c. Mark Simakovsky
Red Wednesday
Sanaz Ghajar & Built for Collapse
March 30 & April 1 @7pm, March 31 @9pm
For tickets by phone call: 212-352-0255 or 1-866-811-4111
Mabou Mines Theater
150 First Avenue, Second Floor,
New York, NY 10009
A multimedia production written and directed by Sanaz Ghajar about a family brought together and torn apart by revolution. Inspired by the controversial story of Sadegh Ghotbzadeh, Iran’s Foreign Minister during the 1979 hostage crisis and Ghajar’s great uncle, the play investigates Iran and America’s relationship through the lens of a growing young woman. An historical allegory that pays special attention to those left to clean up the mess when we blow each other up.
Read about SUITE/Space.